Sugden Award 2012
We are glad, that we received for the paper
Inhibition of hydrogen oxidation by HBr and Br2,
Combustion and Flame 159 (2012) 528-540
the Sugden Award 2012 of the British Section of the Combustion Institute for the paper with at least one British Section member as author which made the most significant contribution to combustion research.
Third Millennium Ideal Gas and Condensed Phase Thermochemical Database for Combustion with Updates from Active Thermochemical Tables
Dr. Elke Goos took over Prof. Alexander Burcat´s worldwide known thermochemical database at 16 December 2009 during „The 24th Annual Symposium of the Israeli Section of the Combustion Institute“ in Tel-Aviv, Israel and will continue his work.
She is glad that Alexander Burcat gives advice and support continuously.
The last printed version of the "Third Millennium Ideal Gas and Condensed Phase Thermochemical Database for Combustion with Updates from Active Thermochemical Tables” from Alexander Burcat (Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) and Branko Ruscic (Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory) was used for the symbolic transfer of spectroscopic and thermochemical data of over 2500 gaseous, liquid and solid substances.
The thermochemical properties in 7- and 9-term polynomial format are available for scientific use.
They will be delivered by email after email request to
info "at"